SISU学术文化带 | 云端学术角系列第二期:文学的多维空间和文本中的意象分析











会议时间:2020/5/22 19:00-20:30


会议ID556 705 279




论文题目The Space and Power Mechanism in Bartleby, the Scrivener / 《抄写员巴特比》中的空间与权力机制

指导教师Peter A. Yacavone 副教授


Abstract: This paper reads Herman Melville's Bartleby, the Scrivener as a representation of the space and power mechanism. Based on French philosopher Michel Foucault's theory of power, this paper analyzes the relationship between space and power and explores how this mechanism works on Bartleby. This mechanism is contextualized within the flourishing capitalism in Wall Street in the 19th century. By probing into Bartleby's location, situation and his resistant discourse, this discussion suggests that the space, especially the lawyer's office, varies in its connotations according to the changes falling on Bartleby himself. More specifically, in terms of Bartleby's increasingly worsening situation, the function of space is interpreted according to three facets: the spatial enclosure under power, the spatial establishment against power, and the spatial annihilation and re-enclosure subjected to power.

Key wordsBartleby, Foucault, space, power




论文题目Bartleby, the Scrivener: Individualism, Determinism and Nihilism /《抄写员巴特比》:个人主义,决定论与虚无主义

指导教师Peter A. Yacavone 副教授


Abstract: Bartleby, the Scrivener: A Story of Wall-street is one of Melville's greatest short stories. H. Bruce Franklin says: To read Bartleby well, we must first realize that we can never know who or what Bartleby is, but that we are continually asked to guess who or what he might be. The ambiguity of Bartleby's action provides many possibilities of different interpretations. Three possible ideologies are revealed in Bartleby: individualism, determinism, and nihilism. This essay deals with how the story manifests these three aspects, and how to face the problem put forward in this story. To elaborate the latter point, Faust written by Goethe will be taken as an example and a comparison. Faust rebels against Predestination set by God by pursuing a life of pleasure without considering the afterlife; while Bartleby, as a poor mortal man, can only rebel against his destiny by death. But they have something in common: they know their fates may be a tragedy, yet they try to live as they wish.

Key words: Bartleby, individualism, determinism, nihilism




论文题目:Love is a Waking Dream: Love and Illusion in A Midsummer Night's Dream / 爱情是一场醒着的梦——《仲夏夜之梦》中的爱与虚幻

指导教师:Peter A. Yacavone 副教授


Abstract: This paper interprets love and dream in Shakespeare masterpiece, A Midsummer Night's Dream. The two enigmatic concepts, love and dream, have been regarded as the product of imagination or illusions in this play. Yet there is no clear distinction between reality and imagination in the world of fairies. This paper probes into the element of illusion in love and dreams. Particularly, this paper examines the love potion, including where it functions and its consequences. It also probes into the influence of the dream-like love. Finally, it draws the conclusion that love is a waking dream, which means love is a living illusion and it fools lovers into believing that it is real.

Key wordslove, dream, imagination, illusion, love-in-idleness




孙艳,法律硕士,英美文学博士,上海外国语大学英语学院讲师,美国富布莱特项目学者,美国纽约城市大学访问学者,从事英语文学和跨学科研究。已发表《投河的总统女儿──第一部非裔美国小说《克洛泰尔》与实证主义法学》(2015) “Jurisprudential and Cultural Divergences and Convergences: A Comparative Study of The Merchant of Venice (1596) and The Chinese Drama The Contract (1627)” (2019)等中英文论文多篇。新书Honor, Face, and Violence: Cross-Cultural Literary Representations of Honor Cultures and Face Culture将于今年由Peter Lang 出版社出版。







